An early intermediate piano solo, commissioned by Penny Lazarus Piano Studio.
Basic Info
Cut time. 22 measures. Open Key signature.
This dramatic solo combines the ancient sound of open 5ths and chant-like melody with modern modulations and rising chromaticism. The piece gets gradually louder and expands in range. Small hands can create large, powerful chords thanks to left hand octave jumps with pedal.

- Quarter notes, half notes, whole notes, and ties
- Maximum hand span: 6th; maximum two notes per hand
- Usually 1-2 accidentals per measure
- Occasional finger crossing in right hand; regular chord shifting in left hand
- Long crescendos and decrescendos
- Pedaling at each cadence
The piece is in open key signature because of frequent modulations. Students can analyze the starting and ending key of each phrase based on the accidentals. The notes emphasized by the open 5ths in the bass also provide clues.
Students will learn to shape each long phrase, pausing dramatically at each fermata and gaining in power until the final fortissimo.